Dalkeith Road Church of Christ

We would love to take this opportunity in welcoming you. Our Sunday Service runs from 9:30-10.30am. Morning tea is provided after the Service.

Our Values

Our core values are the key driving beliefs that guide our decision-making, determine our priorities, inspire us to action, and distinguish our ministry from others.

1. Scripture - The Bible, which is the inspired Word of God, is the foundation of our faith. We believe that as we learn and obey its instruction, our lives and those of others will be touched and changed for all eternity.

2. Christ-Centred Life - we believe that we need to be Christ-centred in all we do and that our spiritual life will be strengthened as we develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This can be done through daily devotions, prayer, journaling, fasting, worship and fellowship with others.

3. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit - we believe in the infilling and indwelling of the Holy Spirit. All members are encouraged to find and use their spiritual gifts, living lives that not only display the fruit of the Spirit, but also serve the body of Christ with these God given gifts and talents.

4. Prayer - as the body of Christ, all we endeavour is built on the foundation of prayer. Therefore, we are committed to personal and corporate prayer, where we acknowledge the Sovereignty of God, seek the will of God whilst confessing our sin and dependence on God. All leaders and programs are encouraged to be guided and empowered by prayer.

5. The Church - The Church is the Body of Christ, of which Christ is the head, and we work together with all Christians to ensure that Jesus is honoured and exalted through the unity of His body in our Community, city and further afield.

6. Evangelism - We need to reach out to those who do not know Christ and also recognise that a person’s conversion to Christ is a work of the Holy Spirit and not ours, however, we believe He has chosen to cooperate with us to help lost people become His disciples by our prayer, friendship, care, support, and outreach.

7. Family - we believe that the institution of marriage and family was created by God and is to be respected, protected and encouraged.

8. Caring Relationships - the Church is to be an environment which loves unconditionally, shows mercy, is accepting, encourages, supports, has authentic caring relationships, stands in unity, has a forgiving spirit and strives for authentic fellowship; both locally and beyond our borders; especially to those who are hurting, are less fortunate, imprisoned and enslaved.

9. Generosity - we believe that all members need to practice wise stewardship and financial integrity, being committed to a lifestyle that is generous in giving time, talents, money and hospitality, because all that we have has been given to us from our generous God.

10. Relevance - we believe that the presentation of the message of Christ must be meaningful to believers yet attractive and understandable to those who do not know Christ. We also believe that the church needs to be the most effective it can be even if it means that it needs to adapt its teaching, music and technology to provide bridges into the local culture, for adults, youth and children, HOWEVER never compromising the truths of Scripture, that never changes. We also believe that in being relevant, we need to be committed to pursuing excellence in all that we do, acknowledging that excellence inspires people and honours God!

Church/religious organization